Dylan Cressy... One of my favorite Uber stories!
Last year, 2016, three months prior to the World Series between the Chicago Cubs and the Cleveland Indians, I had one of most interesting passengers of all time!
Dylan Cressy was a young, enthusiastic, over-the-top, die hard Cubs fan.
From the moment he got in the car he started talking Cubs baseball with great passion and knowledge!
Then he proceeded to share the most amazing event in his life, to this point!
Dylan and a friend had recently attended a Cubs game. They had great seats on the first base side of the field and ten rows up. Seven innings into the game Cubs pitcher, Jake Arrieta, had a no-hitter going. Dylan was "stoked"! He handed his wallet, keys and cellphone to his friend and announced, "If Arrieta pitches a no-hitter I'm pretty certain I'm going to spend the night in jail, because I'm going on the field!!!"
Two innings later it happened...a shallow pop-up was caught by the Cubs right fielder to end the game!
Arrieta had his no-hitter!!!
Dylan raced down the isle past a security officer, jumped the rail and darted to the pitching mound. He quickly joined the scrum, tapped Jake on the cap and exclaimed, "You're the man, Jake!!!"
From that point his prophetic words became a reality as he was tackled to the ground by security and...you guessed it...he spent the night in jail!!!
His daring exploit made him a local celebrity and provided "15 minutes of Fame" and a memory to last a lifetime!!!
This photo was taken as security caught up to Dylan, put on the hand-offs and took him to the "slammer".
And, as you all know, history was made three months later as the Chicago Cubs won the 2016 World Series!
I will always remember him as the Chicago Cubs "No-hitter Hero"!
Thanks so much, Dylan, for sharing your story!
(Google "Dylan Cressy" to view videos and other photos of this event.)