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Atori... a name that means VICTORY!

Atori was born and raised in Fort Myers, Florida and was a graduate of North Fort Myers High School. During that time he was a talented athlete and played a variety of sports including football, basketball and baseball.

His greatest success and favorite sport was baseball. He was a center fielder with a very strong arm.

During his high school years, Atori also began developing the skills of a barber. Cutting hair became a fun hobby.

Unfortunately, Atori fell into the "wrong crowd" as he was seeking to make some "easy money" and build his self-esteem. Although illegal drug activity seemed like a quick fix and a fast track to popularity and riches, the "law" eventually caught up with him. He was arrested, convicted and incarcerated.

This devastating "downfall" actually became the fertile soil for personal development and, also, learning some major life lessons.

Atori did not waste his time in prison, but saw it as a unique opportunity for self reflection and growth. He took advantage of a wide variety of classes and programs that included personal finance, etiquette and the culinary arts.

Today, he is a free man and has been totally "clean" for over eleven years!

He has actively pursued his teenage hobby and is a successful barber at Brilliantaire's Barber Shop in Fort Myers. One day he'd like to open and oversee his own shop!

Atori loves to sing and claims that he can write a song about anything...just name your topic! He also enjoys standup comedy and has the ability to make people laugh and feel good about themselves. I was able to appreciate this aspect of Atori's character during our Uber trip. He had me laughing and smiling along the way!

At some point he would enjoy transitioning to a career as a motivational speaker. He'd like to encourage young people to make wise choices in life and avoid some of the heartaches that he's experienced.

He is a deep thinker, and based on our conversations he could also become a persuasive politician.

Enthusiastic about life, Atori is grateful for each and every day! He has a heart of gold and enjoys helping others.

Atori's unique name is derived from the name Victoria... the name his parents had planned to utilize, as they were anticipating the arrival of a daughter.

But what an amazing and appropriate name it has been!

It's a name that reminds us of the hope and success available each day as we choose to do what's right.

It means VICTORY!

Atori is a man that has been very open and honest about his past failures, but is also excited to share and encourage others with his successes and dreams.

It was a pleasure to have Atori as my passenger.

Please welcome him to the Ubernamez blog!


Atori is blessed with a young son who also bears his name!

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