Ingo... That's BINGO without the B!
During Cape Coral's annual Oktoberfest, I had the pleasure of driving this enthusiastic and happy couple, Nicole and Ingo!
Originally from Germany, they certainly enjoy and appreciate the festivities at the German-American Club on Pine Island Road.
With delicious food, great entertainment, rousing music and a variety of liquid refreshment, they attend Oktoberfest each year!

Ingo is a Scandinavian/Germanic name that is the male version of Inga. Ingo means "protected by Yngvi" who is the main god for the Ingvaeones (a North Sea Germanic people).
What a unique name!
But Ingo makes it easy..."It's BINGO without the B!"
Nicole and Ingo have been extremely successful in Southwest Florida's booming real estate industry. Nicole serves as a property manager and Ingo is an accomplished realtor.
As long-term residents of Florida, Nicole and Ingo decided to make their residency and citizenship permanent. In June 2017 they completed the process of naturalization.
They are now legal citizens of the United States of America!
Please welcome two of our newest US citizens, and welcome them to Uber Namez!