Kimbrell... Your Name is a Home Run!
Tonight I met a housewife from Georgia with a very unique name...Kimbrell Kimbrough!
Her first name is actually the maiden name of her grandmother, and, as fate and love would have it she married Mr. Scott Kimbrough.
Needless to say, her name is definitely an "attention getter"!
Kimbrell is the mother of two sons (ages 17 and 18) who are both talented baseball players.
The family is visiting Fort Myers as her son, Wood, is playing in the "Perfect Game" tournament this week.
The eldest son, Hyl, will be playing collegiate baseball this coming year at Birmingham-Southern College.
Kimbrell's husband, Scott, is an attorney, and a fan of both the Atlanta Braves and the Boston Redsox.

One interesting "family fun fact" is that Kimbrell's brother-in-law, Shane Kimbrough, is an astronaut!
In April he returned to earth after spending 173 days on the space station.
Not many folks have that distinction!
It was a joy to meet the Kimbroughs, and get a small glimpse of their active life story.
Kimbrell Kimbrough has an awesome name that
will definitely be a "home run" with our subscribers!