Landaise... What beautiful braids!
Landaise (pronounced Lan-diss) was a very friendly passenger with a huge smile! She is definitely a "people person"!
She comes from a Haitian heritage and is a member of a large family with brothers, sisters, and step siblings.
She immediately entered the workforce after graduating from Golden Gate High School and served as an after school youth counselor. There, she really enjoyed working with young children!
Landaise currently works in the men's fragrance department at Dillard's in Naples. She'd love for you to stop in and say, "Hello!"
Landaise's passion is styling and braiding hair, and she even braids her own hair! One day she may seek a career in cosmetology and open her own salon.
Her unique name, Landaise, is a French surname. It is closely connected to a daring form of bull fighting where participants dodge and leap over bulls in a sand filled arena.
Hopefully her work at Dillard's is NOT as demanding and dangerous as her name might suggest!
It is my delight to welcome Landaise to Ubernamez!