Azra... a cosmetologist in the making!

One evening I received a trip request from Azra and her two friends. They were going out for a fun, girl's night on the town.
Azra was born in Germany but has Bosnian parents who had fled their war-torn homeland of Bosnia-Herzegovina in the early 90's. When she was just one year old she came with her family to the United States.
They settled in upstate NY, near Syracuse, but moved to Fort Myers when she was 10 years old.
Azra graduated from Cape Coral High School and then went on to cosmetology school. She is now looking forward to completing her training and obtaining a license. Azra has made plans to work with a new salon that is opening off of McGregor Boulevard. And, as you may have noticed by her personal hair style and color, she enjoys experimenting with various hair dyes and hair coloring techniques.
Azra was named by her older brother. Her name has Turkish and Arabic origins and means "purity", "chaste" or "virgin".
Some of her life goals include traveling the world and making a lot of money!
It was my pleasure to meet a young gal with, both, an interesting heritage and a unique name!
Please welcome Azra to the Ubernamez blog!