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Sylvianne... a visitor from Boston!

Sylvianne was a late night passenger headed to Fort Myers Beach after a night in downtown Fort Myers.

Sylvianne lives in Boston, Massachusetts where she works as a nurse.

Her unique name comes from a famous French runner, Sylviane Telliez, who was a three-time participant in the Summer Olympics, and who dominated French track and field for many years.

The name literally means "big forest" or "wooded" and has French origins.

Although Sylvianne IS NOT a runner, or a fan of most outdoor activities, she does enjoy horses and riding. (Most likely in a big, wooded forest!)

As we chatted, and I shared about my wife and children, Sylvianne confessed that she, too, would love to get married and raise a large family.

It was my pleasure to have Sylvianne as my Uber passenger.

And I'm happy to welcome her to Ubernamez!

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